Aluminium window supply & fitting service in Norwich & Norfolk

Aluminium is a material long used by the window industry but in the past was never the mass-market contender. Replacement windows in Norwich & Norfolk were in the majority uPVC framed. However, this is changing with technical advancements in frame construction, process innovations on the manufacturing side and trend toward greater glass area.

Aluminium Window Cost

On average fitting new or replacement aluminium windows in Norwich & Norfolk costs more than uPVC. The main reason for the cost difference is the raw material which is more expensive to produce than plastic.  However, as manufacturing processes improve and the cost of plastic frames increase due to plastic recycling charges this difference may reduce. Like plastic windows frames there is very little on-going maintenance cost other than cleaning.

Aluminium Window Style

Fitting new build or replacement aluminium windows wins big on style, these frames are more robust than uPVC. For that reason they can be made smaller and thinner than their uPVC counterparts. So for a modern minimalist look, the aluminium frame uniquely achieves this. Another key benefit is that less frame means more light or more glass area. Having more glass area is a popular trend, especially with new builds.

The standard aluminium frame is white in colour but can be power coated to more or less anything. Expect to pay around 10 to 15 percent more in cost for colour. A current popular colour is anthracite grey which ties in well with most facades.

blue aluminium windows fitted in Norfolk

Aluminium Window Material

Aluminium’s main advantages are its strength and light weight. It can be made to a thinner profile and is particularly useful for stacking larger sections of glass. So when used as a carrier frame it’s load-bearing capability beats any other material. It’s often an essential choice for fitting custom-sized or bespoke windows with a lot of glass.

Aluminium conducts heat well, which while not great for insulation (see below), does assist long term reliability. You will never experience the warpage problems that you might see with plastic exposed to heat or strong sunlight over time. For that reason where you have hotspots, consider fitting aluminium frames for long term reliability and durability.

Aluminium Window Efficiency & Quality

In the past aluminium frames were less popular as material is an efficient conductor of heat. This meant that thermal insulation was not great. However, advances in design and technical manufacturing have resolved this. In today’s construction insulation is embedded within the frame and thermal breaks are added into the structure to reduce conduction.

The level of insulation within the frames varies dependent on the construction and quality of the window you choose. Use the BFRC rating to know whether fitting an aluminium window will perform well enough. Another term to understand is the “U-rating”, which is a measure of the amount of heat the frame will let out. A lower score is better.

For thermal performance, NC Windows are fitting only the highest quality A+ rated replacement aluminium windows in Norwich and Norfolk.
In terms of sound blocking, modern aluminium windows frames perform similarly to uPVC. uPVC has a slight edge but nothing that is drastic or noticeable.

Aluminium Window Security

Despite being thinner and lighter than uPVC the material is very tough and very difficult to penetrate. Aluminium frames will accommodate all locking systems and are mechanically robust. They are also easier to repair than equivalent uPVC windows in the event a mechanism needs to be changed.
In a fire situation, aluminium windows are highly inert and don’t burn. Instead, the material melts only when it gets above 600 degrees C. In a fire event aluminium naturally conducts heat without spreading or encouraging flames.

Fitting new or replacement aluminium windows offers many positives. When compared directly with uPVC windows there is not a lot between these two materials quality-wise. In terms of efficiency, modern aluminium frames perform as well as any other material. For that reason, the most significant factor to consider is the glazing choice. In terms of cost, although not the cheapest, the price difference is falling. And ultimately, influences such as the style and size of the window might still draw you toward aluminium. Particularly if you are looking for more glass than frame.

NC Windows are regularly fitting new build or replacement aluminium windows in Norwich & Norfolk. So can offer you our experience in weighing up the pros and cons for your situation.

Call us on 01603 528022 for a free quote for customers local to Norwich or in Norfolk

Our Quality Guarantee

NC Windows are FENSA approved, a government authorised scheme for building regulation compliance & standards. We are also CPA (Consumer Protection Association) members. This means that 100% of our work is independently covered under the CPA insurance guarantee.

For materials we only use BFRC approved A+ rated windows which contain high-quality GGF glass and are produced by ISO9001 certified manufacturers.

FENSA registered
Consumer Protection Association